Summary and outcome of the conference
The first Project Rosling event, organized by the Swiss Confederation in cooperation with the World Health Organization, took place on the 26th of January 2023, at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva, with more than 250 participants.
The main aim of this event was to bridge the gap between the data and statistical community and a diversity of stakeholders to advance data ecosystems and provide the information needed for a fact-based worldview.
The President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Alain Berset opened the event by encouraging International Geneva to become a recognized data center. He underlined the fact that global challenges can be met only with fact-based decisions and making the best possible use of data and statistics.
In addition, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), stressed that government investment in data and statistics, promoting evidence-based decision-making, and improving data literacy in the public are essential actions for a healthier and safer world. The leadership role of the Swiss Confederation in this project and its contribution to building a better world through stronger data systems was highly appreciated and recognized.
Mr. Ola Rosling, President, and Co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation gave a keynote speech on the power of data emphasizing that considering the importance of this event, it should have been organized 20 years ago.
Mr. Georges-Simon Ulrich, Director General of the Federal Statistical Office, presented the “Getting out of our Bubble with data and statistics” video and informed the participants on data stewardship and FSO’s role as a data steward.
During the event, four workstreams were discussed, namely Health Data, Financing Data, Data Stewardship, and Data Science. A wide range of speakers participated such as representatives from WHO, Geneva Digital Health Hub, Paris21, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Office of the High Commissioner for the Human Rights, (OHCHR), Microsoft, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), World Meteorological Organization, Open Government, UN agencies, Geneva Graduate Institute, journalists and civil society. They underlined the importance of open, fair, and transparent data to improve people’s lives and make informed decisions.
Switzerland once again showed its commitment to the matter and FSO positioned itself on the international and national stage as a future-oriented, modern and competent office, continuing the Road to Bern initiative.
During the event our cartoonist Enrico Chavez made these cartons for us. You don’t want to miss them.

Speaking of memories and pictures, here are some impressions of the day:

For all of that and more you can follow the entire event here.
Have you seen our unique augmented reality posters? Scan the QR-code with your phone & let the magic happen! Stay tuned the video will be uploaded soon.
And finally, you can find below a small selection of media reports on the event. Check them now!
- International Geneva called upon to mobilise itself for evidence-based decision making
- Quand Berset se demande si un chimpanzé ferait un meilleur discours…
- What chimpanzees tell us about how humans see data
Futher information and programme
With 39 international organisations and 432 non-governmental organisations, a lot of data is collected and processed in Geneva. What better place to kickstart discussions on Project Rosling and work towards our goal to make fact-based decisions?
Hans Rosling repeatedly proved that not only Swedish students, but experts from many areas, media and various other players know statistically significantly less about the world than chimpanzees. Let’s accept this challenge! International Geneva, how can we make sure we beat the chimps?
The first Project Rosling event, organized by the Swiss Confederation in cooperation with the World Health Organization, invites you to be part of the conversation on the richness that data and statistics can provide us. We will dive in four of our workstreams, namely Health data, Financing data, Data Stewardship and Data science. Check our programme and our exciting speakers. The event is open to everyone so stop hesitating!
And if you’re not in Geneva, join our livestream: International Geneva : Can we beat the chimps with data and statistics? – YouTube
You want to test your skills before joining us? That’s perfect, because we prepared a little quiz with 12 questions. Are you better than a chimp? Give it a try by clicking here!
See you there!