Following up on its first meeting on 10 October 2023, this meeting, co-hosted by GRID-Geneva, provides an opportunity for the Geneva data community to exchange on how to best collaborate for delivering on the UN Summit of the Future for...
What has changed in official statistics since using Big Data and data science for the last 10 years?
The Data Science Competence Center (DSCC) and the Unlocking the Power of Data Initiative at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office are pleased to invite you to the next webinar in the „Data Science and AI for Public Good“ series. In...
Seit 1862 publiziert das BFS regelmässig Informationen für die breite Bevölkerung – aktuell bis zu 150-mal pro Jahr. Anlässlich der 10 000. Publikation des Bundesamtes für Statistik, welche im Herbst 2024 erscheinen wird, schauen wir auf die Geschichte der Schweizer...
This webinar will discuss issues and challenges related to data equity and the tools available to different actors to fulfil their responsibilities to ensure data equity. The event will explore how the concept of data equity relates to various issues...
This meeting will give the opportunity to go deeper into the topic of data and how to collaborate to permit people to have access to the right data.
Dieser Event wird auf Englisch durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen finden sich in der englischen Version dieser Seite.
This session at the UNWDF will discuss the future role of the UN Statistical Commission. Over the years, several resolutions around the roles and functions of the Commission have been adopted which define and strengthen the role of the Statistical Commission.
Dieser Event wird auf Englisch durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen finden sich in der englischen Version dieser Seite.