This event will be organised by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office in collaboration with Microsoft.
The use of data must be clarified between the various stakeholders. There are approaches on having data governance in sectors related to data spaces in sectors (health or agriculture). These tasks are being carried out both within the European Union and in Switzerland, and of course, worldwide. But is there a need for overarching data governance? The Committee of Chief Statisticians of the UN has made constructive proposals on what global data governance could look like: https://unsceb.org/international-data-governance-pathways-progress. This will be discussed in various forums, for example at the Friday seminar before the 55th Session of the UN Statistical Commission in February 2024 in New York City, in the coming months.
There are both public and private data producers who have more and more data at their disposal. Nowadays, with data interoperability, it is possible to make better use of this data. In addition, AI applications such as ChatGPT show that the use of good data is important. How can we guarantee that good data is used? The panel will explore the different approaches that exist. Governments and international organisations can actively collaborate to ensure that the public has the right to quality information.
This event is a follow-up to the discussion conducted at the House of Switzerland in January 2023: “Harnessing the power of data to shape the future” (see text at the end of the page).
Programme (see also flyer attached):
14.30 Welcome: Benjamin Rothen, Ambassador, Swiss Federal Statistical Office;
14.35 Setting the scene: Steve MacFeely, Chief Statistician WHO and co-chair of the Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the UN;
14.50 Moderated panel discussion by Claire Doole with Catrin Hinkel (CEO Microsoft Switzerland), Georges-Simon Ulrich (Director General, FSO and Vice-chair of the UN Statistical Commission), Steve MacFeely (Chief Statistician WHO and co-chair of the Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the UN) and Judith Bellaiche (Swico, Managing Director).
15.30 Reception
16.00 End of the event
This event is by invitation only. If you are interested and / or have any questions, please contact upd-initiative@bfs.admin.ch. by Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at the latest. There are a limited number of places and it will not be possible to register at short notice.
House of Switzerland event in January 2023 description “Harnessing the power of data to shape the future”: The juxtaposition of crises and the widening of geopolitical fault lines are putting the multilateral system to an unprecedented stress test. At the same time, digital innovation, data science and the emergence of new actors are opening up new paths for humanity to address the challenges of today and tomorrow. In a fragmented world characterized by complexity, we must harness the power of data and develop innovative partnerships to enhance multilateral cooperation. The potential for better translating data into policy is particularly untapped when it comes to level the playing field and promote inclusive multilateralism. How to develop dialogue and cooperation between Governments, the private sector and science in this context? What are the platforms and tools available to gather the necessary data and translate it into policy? How to boost the capacity to process the available data and promote the interoperability of data sets? This panel will take stock of multilateral cooperation and the interplay between data-science and policy. It will address the challenges and opportunities of the translation between data and decision-making, in particular with regard to cooperation between governments, private sector and other stakeholders. The panel will also discuss how international actors utilize data to reach global goals and highlight the importance of working together to ensure investments in national data ecosystems.