
Sustainability concept

The organisation of national and international events by the Swiss Confederation is an important task of federal offices. Sustainability and its implementation covers three dimensions: social, economic and environmental aspects. Sustainability and the responsible use of resources must be a key part of these events. All three dimensions have been taken into account in this concept.

This concept is based on the sustainability concept that was developed and applied for the 3rd United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF) in October 2021.

This concept also takes into account other documents, recommendations and decisions that are already being applied in the federal administration, as well as practical examples that are also already being regularly implemented by various stakeholders.

In this context, the pandemic years have highlighted opportunities concerning the types of events that exist. Today there are considered to be three possibilities: a) On-site events b) hybrid events and c) virtual events.

In line with the “leaving no one behind” motto, the aim is to find more sustainable ways to hold events integrating the environment, people and the local economy. The measures and recommendations should not be considered exhaustive, but they can be used as a basis and guideline for organising national and international events. Of course, this is not just possible at events organised by the federal administration.

You can find the concept in PDF format at the bottom of this page.

The measures and recommendations, also filtered according to the SDGs, can be found here:

The configurator for your event can be found here:

The concept for the UNWDF and the analysis of its implementation can be found here:

Have fun!


Organising sustainable events –
a sustainability concept