Event in Davos: Data governance and how we should use data to fight fake news

Our next UPDI event will take place as part of the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum 2024 in Davos at the House of Switzerland.

The event will be a continuation of a dialog that already took place at the House of Switzerland this year. The central topic will be data governance and how this relates to fake news. We want to discuss the following questions:
– What is the state of the discussion on data governance?
– Is there a need for global data governance? If so, in what form?
– What form should cooperation between public and private data producers take?
– How can a globally harmonized data network help to fight fake news?

Key note speakers are Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, Federal Councilor FDHA (invited), Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania (invited). Panelists are Catrin Hinkel, CEO Microsoft Switzerland, Georges-Simon Ulrich, Director General, FSO, Vice-chair of the UN Statistical Commission, Steve MacFeely, Chief Statistician WHO and co-chair of the Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the UN and Judith Bellaiche, Managing Director, SWICO. This panel will be moderated by Claire Doole.

Further information and registration: https://upd-initiative.ch/event/data-governance-and-and-how-we-should-use-data-to-fight-fake-news/