United Nations World Data Forum: The future role of the UN Statistical Commission

An upcoming UPDI event will take place as part of the 5th UN World Data Forum, in Medellin, Colombia.

Over the years, several resolutions around the roles and functions of the Commission have been adopted which define and strengthen the role of the Statistical Commission. In 2022, the resolution, ensuring that the work in the field of statistics and data is adaptive to the changing statistical and data ecosystem, calls upon the United Nations statistical and data-related system to report on work on sta-tistics and data within all domains to the Statistical Commission, to enable the Commission to fulfil its function as the primary body responsible for the management of statistical information and govern-ance of statistics and data. The Council emphasizes the need for technological innovations and to promote practices for the generation of information aligned with principles that ensure coherence, comparability, data privacy, among others, and the importance to build partnerships. In its resolution, the Council requests the Commission to play the role as the apex for discussions, knowledge ex-change and sharing of best practices on statistics and data across all domains, to develop and main-tain international statistical standards and norms, tools and methodologies, to support and bolster the development of sustainable national statistical systems, to develop and build the capacity of national systems, to advocate for the professional community of official statistics, and to ensure continued innovations to adapt to the changing statistical and data system. Moreover, the Bureau of the UN Sta-tistical Commission researches ways for the Commission to be more inclusive. Therefore, the Bureau ensure a representative, fit-for-purpose Commission. Six goals should be implemented to ensure that the Commission is and remains inclusive and representative today and in the future. What does it in-volve for the future of the UN Statistical Commission?

Further information: https://upd-initiative.ch/unwdf-future-role-of-the-un-statistical-commission