Advancing Data Equity: An Action-Oriented Framework

Join us for a webinar on data equity, jointly organized with the World Economic Forum, PARIS21 and the OECD! The webinar will discuss issues and challenges related to data equity and the tools available to different actors to fulfil their responsibilities to ensure data equity. The event will explore how the concept of data equity relates to various issues discussed in the data and statistics community, including data governance and the Fundamental Principles on Official Statistics.

Data equity can be defined as the shared responsibility for fair data practices that respect and promote human rights, opportunity and dignity. Data equity is a fundamental responsibility that requires strategic, participative, inclusive, and proactive collective and coordinated action to create a world where databased systems promote fair, just and beneficial outcomes for all individuals, groups and communities. It recognizes that data practices – including collection, curation, processing, retention, analysis, stewardship and responsible application of resulting insights – significantly impact human rights and the resulting access to social, economic, natural and cultural resources and opportunities.

Find out more and register here.